Due to the rapidly increasing number of vehicles participating in road traffic, scientists draw interest in increasing safety in road traffic. Technologies enabling Inter-Vehicle Communication (IVC) are a promising approach to make important information available for a larger number of vehicles in order to enhance collision avoidance. Today’s vehicles already gather lots of data with several sensors. Research has shown that sharing the data among neighboring vehicles may have a positive effect on safety. Unfortunately, most research results are completely based on vehicular network simulators since real field tests are expensive and not well scalable. Furthermore, it is hard to provide reproducible results due to uncontrollable events. Vehicular network simulators provide precise simulation results even for large-scale road traffic scenarios but they only incorporate human imperfection based on some theoretical models. Driving simulators offer controllable road traffic scenarios and incorporate human imperfection. But most driving simulators lack the ability to simulate IVC or have some negative characteristics. Bridging both simulation domains promises a simulation tool capable of incorporating human imperfection as well as precise simulation of IVC. To combine advantages of both simulation domains, a network coupling the vehicular network simulator Vehicles in Network Simulation (Veins) and a driving simulator based on a vehicle dynamics model and a visualization framework is proposed. Evaluation results show the feasibility of such a coupled simulation framework as well as problems occurring when both simulation domains differ too much in the time domain. Furthermore, it is evaluated how well the system can recover from slight real-time deadline violations. Strategies avoiding such time differences are essential to provide a realistic driving experience and representable simulation results of real-world environments.
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author = {Franke, Mario},
title = {{Interactive Driving Simulator for Car2X Scenarios}},
advisor = {Buse, Dominik S. and Henning, Sven and Tr{\"{a}}chtler, Ansgar and Dressler, Falko},
doi = {10.17619/UNIPB/1-390},
institution = {Department of Computer Science},
location = {Paderborn, Germany},
month = {July},
school = {Paderborn University (UPB)},
type = {Bachelor Thesis},
year = {2018},
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