The practical worth of models of technical processes depends on their accuracy, that is, the difference between model outputs and real measurements. For minimizing these differences, process identification methods are used. In this article, coordination software for process identification is presented which has the unique feature that it allows the integration of models that have been created with external tools, for example, Matlab or Python scripts. There is no need to transform the models into another type of software format to use the common identification coordinator. The concept of the software is described and two examples for the coupling with external simulation software are given. Additionally, this article contains a detailed case study of the parameter identification of two models using that identification coordination software. This highlights the benefit of the new coordination software regarding similar work flow for different model types. The modeled physical subject is the thermal behavior of an actuator strut.
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- Burkhard Hensel
- Steffen Schroeder
- Klaus Kabitzsch
BibTeX reference
author = {Hensel, Burkhard and Schroeder, Steffen and Kabitzsch, Klaus},
title = {{New Coordination Software for Parameter Identification Applied to Thermal Models of an Actuator Strut}},
journal = {Journal of Computational Engineering},
doi = {10.1155/2017/3169785},
issn = {2356-7260, 2314-6443},
month = {October},
pages = {1--14},
publisher = {Hindawi},
volume = {2017},
year = {2017},
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