Improving best-effort wireless with TSN based wired networks
1 May 2024 -Institutions
- Chair of Networked Systems Modeling, TU Dresden
Team @ TU Dresden
- internal
With an increasing demand for advanced driver assistance systems, the need for reliable, robust and deterministic communication increases as well. For wired systems, solutions like TSN exist. In predictable and well-known contexts, like a factory, concepts from the wired world can be transferred to the wireless world, as proposed by the 3ggp with 5G-TSN. For other contexts, this solution is limited as some fundamental problems, like high dynamic topologies, unclear responsibility, or unclear network boundaries, lead to unknown parametrization making it extremely difficult if not even impossible to manage and configure the network.
With the “cooperativeTSN” project, we want to investigate how best-effort wireless connections can be improved in a decentralized way regarding robustness, reliability, and performance while not managing the wireless connection itself. Instead we focus on the configuration of the wired network, in order to achieve these goals.
For this purpose, existing simulation libraries like INET, Veins, and Plexe are extended to be able to simulate simultaneously the inter-car communication and the in-car communication. For scheduling, well established TSN schedulers will be used and evaluated.
Selected Publications
Jannusch Bigge and Christoph Sommer, "Hierarchical Scheduling of Cooperative TSN for Mixed Critical Wireless Systems," Proceedings of 20th IEEE/IFIP Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference (WONS 2025), Hintertux, Austria, January 2025. [BibTeX, PDF and Details...]