Year 2025
Academic Journals and Magazines (2025)
Per Natzschka, Burkhard Hensel and Christoph Sommer, "Simopticon: Automated Optimization of Vehicular Platooning Controllers," Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, 2025. (to appear) [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Conferences and Workshops (2025)
Nagacharan Teja Tangirala, Christoph Sommer and Alois Knoll, "Optimizing Very Large Scale ITS Applications With Fast Fitness Evaluation," Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2025), Milan, Italy, March 2025. (to appear) [BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Jannusch Bigge and Christoph Sommer, "Hierarchical Scheduling of Cooperative TSN for Mixed Critical Wireless Systems," Proceedings of 20th IEEE/IFIP Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference (WONS 2025), Hintertux, Austria, January 2025. [BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Year 2024
Academic Journals and Magazines (2024)
Zhuoxiao Meng, Mingyue Gao, Margherita Grossi, Anibal Siguenza-Torres, Stefano Bortoli, Christoph Sommer and Alois Knoll, "Adaptive Synchronization and Pacing Control for Visual Interactive Simulation," ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, June 2024. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Conferences and Workshops (2024)
Zhuoxiao Meng, Mingyue Gao, Stefano Bortoli, Christoph Sommer and Alois Knoll, "Serialization-Oriented Data Layout for Distributed and Real-Time Agent-Based Simulation," Proceedings of 28th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2024), Urbino, Italy, October 2024. [BibTeX, Details...]
Ion Turcanu, Sébastien Faye, Horst Fellner, German Castellanos, Julien Baudouin, Sidi-Mohammed Senouci, Mario Franke and Christoph Sommer, "Digital Twinning for 6G Teleoperated Driving: The 6G-TWIN Vision," Proceedings of IEEE European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2024 & 6G Summit), Poster Session, Antwerpen, Belgium, June 2024. [BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Sebastién Faye, Miguel Camelo Botero, Jean-Sébastien Sottet, Christoph Sommer, Mario Franke, Julien Baudouin, German Castellanos, Régis Decorme, Maria Pia Fanti, Ramin Fuladi, Gunes Kesik, Beatriz Mendes, Chris Murphy, Stephen Parker, Simon Pryor, Sidi-Mohammed Senouci and Ion Turcanu, "Integrating Network Digital Twinning into Future AI-Based 6G Systems: The 6G-TWIN Vision," Proceedings of IEEE European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2024 & 6G Summit), Antwerpen, Belgium, June 2024. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Nagacharan Teja Tangirala, Christoph Sommer and Alois Knoll, "Simulating Data Flows of Very Large Scale Intelligent Transportation Systems," Proceedings of 38th ACM SIGSIM International Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (SIGSIM-PADS 2024), Atlanta, GA, June 2024, pp. 98–107. [DOI, BibTeX, Details...]
Wellington Viana Lobato Junior, Joahannes B. D. da Costa, Allan Mariano de Souza, Denis Rosário, Christoph Sommer and Leandro Aparecido Villas, "Dynamic Semi-Synchronous Federated Learning for Connected Autonomous Vehicles," Proceedings of XLII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC 2024), Niterói, Brazil, May 2024. [BibTeX, Details...]
Nagacharan Teja Tangirala, Christoph Sommer and Alois Knoll, "Poster: Disolv – Dataflow-centric Integrated Simulation of Large-scale VANETs," Proceedings of 15th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2024), Poster Session, Kobe, Japan, May 2024. [DOI, BibTeX, Details...]
Darinela Andronovici, Damien Nicolas, Ion Turcanu and Christoph Sommer, "Demo: Interactive Off-the-Shelf In-Car TSN Testbed," Proceedings of 15th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2024), Demo Session, Kobe, Japan, May 2024, pp. 267–268. [DOI, BibTeX, Details...]
Mario Franke and Christoph Sommer, "Obstacle Shadowing in Vehicle-to-Satellite Communication: Impact of Location, Street Layout, Building Height, and LEO Satellite Constellation," Proceedings of 15th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2024), Kobe, Japan, May 2024, pp. 305–312. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Darinela Andronovici, Ion Turcanu, Jannusch Bigge and Christoph Sommer, "Cross-Validating Open Source In-Vehicle TSN Simulation Models With a COTS Hardware Testbed," Proceedings of 15th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2024), Kobe, Japan, May 2024, pp. 172–179. [DOI, BibTeX, Details...]
Touhid Hossain Pritom, Simon Welzel and Florian Klingler, "Cuckoos United: Extending Cuckoo Filters for Message Dissemination in Vehicular Networks," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2024), Kailua, HI, February 2024, pp. 1144–1148. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Mario Franke and Christoph Sommer, "Toward Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network Simulation with 4D Topologies," Proceedings of 19th IEEE/IFIP Conference on Wireless On demand Network Systems and Services (WONS 2024), Chamonix, France, January 2024, pp. 61–68. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Technical Reports and Regional Workshops (2024)
Martin Baumann, Klaus Bengler, Sandro Berndt-Tolzmann, Leon Johann Brettin, Frank Diermeyer, Wolfgang Fastenmeier, Torsten Fleischer, Frank Flemisch, Alexander Frey, Nicole Gräcmann, Tobias Hardes, Nicolas Herzberger, Tobias Hesse, Manuela Huetten, Florian Klingler, Meike Jipp, Viktoriya Kolarova, Matthias Kühn, Christian Maag, Torsten Marx, Markus Maurer, Nora Merkel, Michael Oehl, Viktor Oubaid, Lena Plum, Gerd Riegelhuth, Nayel Fabian Salem, Andreas Schrank, Elisabeth Shi, Christoph Sommer, Joscha Wasser and Christian Wietfeld, "Abschlussbericht der Arbeitsgruppe "Forschungsbedarf Teleoperation"," Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BASt), Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, 25.03.2024, March 2024. (to appear) [BibTeX, Details...]
Year 2023
Academic Journals and Magazines (2023)
Joahannes B. D. da Costa, Wellington Viana Lobato Junior, Allan Mariano de Souza, E. Cerqueira, Denis Rosário, Christoph Sommer and Leandro Aparecido Villas, "Mobility-aware Vehicular Cloud formation mechanism for Vehicular Edge Computing environments," Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 151, December 2023. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Michele Segata, Renato Lo Cigno, Tobias Hardes, Julian Heinovski, Max Schettler, Bastian Bloessl, Christoph Sommer and Falko Dressler, "Multi-Technology Cooperative Driving: An Analysis Based on PLEXE," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 22 (8), pp. 4792–4806, August 2023. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Tobias Hardes and Christoph Sommer, "Opportunistic Airborne Virtual Network Infrastructure for Urban Wireless Networks," Elsevier Computer Communications, vol. 208, August 2023. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Joahannes B. D. da Costa, Allan Mariano de Souza, Rodolfo I. Meneguette, Eduardo Cerqueira, Denis Rosário, Christoph Sommer and Leandro Aparecido Villas, "Mobility and Deadline-Aware Task Scheduling Mechanism for Vehicular Edge Computing," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 24 (10), pp. 11345–11359, May 2023. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Conferences and Workshops (2023)
Robin Helmert, Tobias Hardes and Enes Yigitbas, "Design and Evaluation of an AR Voice-based Indoor UAV Assistant for Smart Home Scenarios," Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI 2023), Sydney, Australia, October 2023. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Joahannes B. D. da Costa, Allan Mariano de Souza, Wellington Viana Lobato Junior, Denis Rosário, Christoph Sommer and Leandro Aparecido Villas, "Improving Fairness and Performance in Resource Usage for Vehicular Edge Computing," Proceedings of 98th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2023-Fall), Hong Kong, China, October 2023. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Mario Franke, Roland Stroop, Florian Klingler and Christoph Sommer, "Low Earth Orbit Satellite Supported Multi-Hop Dissemination of Messages in V2X Networks," Proceedings of 97th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2023-Spring), Florence, Italy, June 2023. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Zhuoxiao Meng, Anibal Siguenza-Torres, Mingyue Gao, Margherita Grossi, Alexander Wieder, Xiaorui Du, Stefano Bortoli, Christoph Sommer and Alois Knoll, "Towards Discrete-Event, Aggregating, and Relational Control Interfaces for Traffic Simulation," Proceedings of 2023 ACM SIGSIM International Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (SIGSIM-PADS 2023), Orlando, FL, June 2023, pp. 12–22. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Tobias Hardes, Ion Turcanu and Christoph Sommer, "Poster: A Case for Heterogenous Co-Simulation of Cooperative and Autonomous Driving," Proceedings of 14th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2023), Istanbul, Turkey, April 2023, pp. 151–152. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Tobias Hardes, Florian Klingler and Christoph Sommer, "Improving Platooning Safety with Full Duplex Relaying and Beamforming," Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2023), Glasgow, United Kingdom, March 2023. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Mario Franke, Florian Klingler and Christoph Sommer, "Addressing the Unbounded Latency of Best-Effort Device-to-Device Communication with Low Earth Orbit Satellite Support," Proceedings of IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2023), Track Communication and Applications for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles on Land, Water, and Sky, Las Vegas, NV, January 2023, pp. 823–828. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Year 2022
Conferences and Workshops (2022)
Wellington Viana Lobato Junior, Joahannes B. D. da Costa, Allan Mariano de Souza, Denis Rosário, Christoph Sommer and Leandro Aparecido Villas, "FLEXE: Investigating Federated Learning in Connected Autonomous Vehicle Simulations," Proceedings of 96th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2022-Fall), London, United Kingdom, September 2022. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Joahannes B. D. da Costa, Allan M. de Souza, Denis Rosário, Christoph Sommer and Leandro Aparecido Villas, "Efficient Pareto Optimality-based Task Scheduling for Vehicular Edge Computing," Proceedings of 96th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2022-Fall), London, United Kingdom, September 2022. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Tobias Hardes, Dalisha Logan, Touhid Hossain Pritom and Christoph Sommer, "Towards an Open Source Fully Modular Multi Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Simulation Framework," Proceedings of 15th IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Sensor, Robot and UAV Networks, Bologna, Italy, July 2022, pp. 284–289. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Zhuoxiao Meng, Xiaorui Du, Paolo Sottovia, Daniele Foroni, Cristian Axenie, Alexander Wieder, David Eckhoff, Stefano Bortoli, Alois Knoll and Christoph Sommer, "Topology-Preserving Simplification of OpenStreetMap Network Data for Large-scale Simulation in SUMO," Proceedings of SUMO User Conference 2022 (SUMO 2022), Virtual Conference, May 2022. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Thomas Wagner, Burkhard Hensel, Germar Schneider, Martin Halfter and Oliver Hertel, "Machine Health diagnostics of Semiconductor Facility equipment," Proceedings of 20th European Advanced Process Control and Manufacturing Conference (apc|m), Toulon, France, April 2022. [BibTeX, Details...]
Arne Neumann, Marvin Illian, Tobias Hardes, Lukas Martenvormfelde, Lukasz Wisniewski and Jürgen Jasperneite, "An Architecture Concept for Short- and Long-term Resource Planning in the Industry 4.0 Environment," Proceedings of 18th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS), Virtual Conference, April 2022. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Karl Lautenschlaeger and Christoph Sommer, "Beyond Sensing: Suitability of LoRa for Meshed Automatic Section Control of Agricultural Vehicles," Proceedings of 17th IEEE/IFIP Conference on Wireless On demand Network Systems and Services (WONS 2022), Virtual Conference, March 2022. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Tobias Hardes and Christoph Sommer, "Opportunistic UAV Relaying for Urban Vehicular Networks," Proceedings of 17th IEEE/IFIP Conference on Wireless On demand Network Systems and Services (WONS 2022), Virtual Conference, March 2022. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Year 2021
Book Chapters (2021)
Christoph Sommer, "User Tracking and Reidentification," in Encyclopedia of Cryptography, Security and Privacy, Sushil Jajodia, Pierangela Samarati and Moti Yung (Eds.), ed. 3, Springer, 2021. [DOI, BibTeX, Details...]
Editorials (2021)
Frank Kargl, Onur Altintas, Christoph Sommer and Takamasa Higuchi, "Editorial: Welcome Message," Proceedings of 13th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2021), Virtual Conference, November 2021. [DOI, BibTeX, Details...]
Academic Journals and Magazines (2021)
Markus Eisenbarth, Marius Wegener, René Scheer, Jakob Andert, Dominik S. Buse, Florian Klingler, Christoph Sommer, Falko Dressler, Peter Reinold and Rafael Gries, "Toward Smart Vehicle-to-Everything-Connected Powertrains: Driving Real Component Test Benches in a Fully Interactive Virtual Smart City," IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 16 (1), pp. 75–82, March 2021. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Ion Turcanu, Thomas Engel and Christoph Sommer, "Adaptive Content Seeding for Information-Centric Networking under High Topology Dynamics: Where You Seed Matters," IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 16 (2), pp. 68–75, February 2021. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Conferences and Workshops (2021)
Ion Turcanu and Christoph Sommer, "Poster: Potentials of Mixing TSN Wired Networks and Best-Effort Wireless Networks for V2X," Proceedings of 13th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2021), Poster Session, Virtual Conference, November 2021, pp. 135–136. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Tobias Hardes, Dalisha Logan, Christoph Sommer and Florian Klingler, "Poster: Enabling Comparable and Reproducible Simulations for V2X Research," Proceedings of 13th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2021), Poster Session, Virtual Conference, November 2021, pp. 131–132. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Mario Franke, Florian Klingler and Christoph Sommer, "Poster: Simulating Hybrid LEO Satellite and V2X Networks," Proceedings of 13th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2021), Poster Session, Virtual Conference, November 2021, pp. 139–140. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Tobias Hardes, Clemens Boos and Christoph Sommer, "Towards opportunistic UAV relaying for smart cities," Proceedings of International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys 2021), Virtual Conference, September 2021. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
Mario Franke and Florian Klingler, "HiL meets Commodity Hardware – SimbaR for coupling IEEE 802.11 Radio Channels," Proceedings of 40th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2021), Poster Session, Virtual Conference, May 2021. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
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