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Simulation Scenarios for Cooperative Mobile Systems
PA: Research Project (INF-PM-FPA / INF-PM-FPG) or
BA: Bachelor Thesis (or Studienarbeit / Großer Beleg)

Cooperative mobile systems commonly consist of nodes in a wireless network of extreme topology dynamics. An example of such a system is the future way of commuting using cooperative cars. These systems are not ready to use yet and the scientific community is studying mobility and traffic patterns, but also new communication protocols to realize this. Since experiments using real cars in a real city have huge downsides, the community is utilizing simulations to approximate such systems and to analyze the impact of new street alignments, traffic light programs, or protocols for wireless communication. A recurrent problem is that there are only very few scenarios available. Very well known scenarios are those of Luxembourg [1], Monaco [2], or Bologna [3], which model whole cities, but are not easily generalizable.
Goals of the thesis
In this thesis, we want to identify standard scenarios and standard approaches for evaluation that are used in scientific publications. For this, a lot of publications have to be reviewed and compared with others to identify cases that are commonly used. In the next step, scenarios need to be clustered into broad categories and, within each, a set of representative properties needs to be identified. One scenario for each cluster will then be implemented. For the simulations SUMO, a microscopic and continuous road traffic simulation package, and Veins, an open-source vehicular network simulation framework that can simulate wireless networks of cars, will be used
The result of these simulations will be a set of scenarios that can be used as a starting point for future experiments.
C++, Network Simulation, Traffic simulations, SUMO
[1] L. Codeca, R. Frank, S. Faye and T. Engel, “Luxembourg SUMO Traffic (LuST) Scenario: Traffic Demand Evaluation” in IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 52-63, Summer 2017.
[2] L. Codeca, J. Härri, “Towards Multimodal Mobility Simulation of C-ITS: The Monaco SUMO Traffic Scenario” VNC 2017, IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference November, pp. 27-29, 2017, Torino, Italy.
[3] Laura Bieker and Daniel Krajzewicz and Antonio Pio Morra and Carlo Michelacci and Fabio Cartolano, “Traffic simulation for all: a real world traffic scenario from the city of Bologna” SUMO 2014, Berlin, Germany,