Status: attic
UAV Supported Platooning in Urban Scenarios
PA: Research Project (INF-PM-FPA / INF-PM-FPG) or
BA: Bachelor Thesis (or Studienarbeit / Großer Beleg) or
MA: Master's Thesis (or Diploma Thesis / Diplomarbeit)

Platooning is often considered as the example application for cooperative driving. The idea of platooning is to have several vehicles driving in a convoy while being connected using a wireless channel. This channel is used to exchange information about the current position, speed, or desired acceleration. Different publications [1,2] have shown that a communications failure has severe consequences for a platoon. In the worst case, this leads to vehicle collisions at freeway speed.
Goals of the thesis
In this work, we will explore various ways in which a UAV can support communication within a platoon. For this purpose, different scenarios will be considered (e.g. very long platoons, buildings, channel access methods, …) to assess the impact of a UAV support. Appropriate metrics have to be defined, implemented and evaluated. Performance investigations will be building on Veins, an open-source vehicular network simulation framework that can simulate wireless networks of cars, and The INET Framework, an open-source model suite for the OMNeT++ discrete event simulator.
C++, Network Simulation
[1] M. Segata, B. Bloessl, S. Joerer, C. Sommer, M. Gerla, R. Lo Cigno, and F. Dressler, “Towards Communication Strategies for Platooning: Simulative and Experimental Evaluation,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2015, in print, available online
[2] Tobias Hardes and Christoph Sommer, “Towards Heterogeneous Communication Strategies for Urban Platooning at Intersections,” Proceedings of 11th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2019), Los Angeles, CA, December 2019, pp. 322–329