Status: attic
Simulating Vehicular Networks with ns-3
PA: Research Project (INF-PM-FPA / INF-PM-FPG) or
BA: Bachelor Thesis (or Studienarbeit / Großer Beleg)

Veins has quickly become a de-facto standard simulation tool for research in vehicular networking. Around it, a broad ecosystem of simulation models has formed, each of which tackle specific challenges as complex as privacy, platooning, or misbehavior detection. However, Veins is not the only vehicular network simulator used in this research field. For example, Artery is a vehicular network simulator focusing on the ETSI ITS-G5 protocol stack. Artery started as extension of Veins, but by using simulation models from the INET Framework it became independent from Veins. On the one hand, both simulators have in common that they are based on the same simulation engine, OMNeT++. But on the other hand, the simulation models used to simulate wireless communication differ as Veins brings its own validated models and Artery depends on INET’s models.
Outside of the context of vehicular networking, much wireless networking research is also being conducted in the context of another simulation engine, ns-3. Little consideration, however, has so far been given to simulate vehicular networks with ns-3.
Goals of the thesis
This thesis will investigate, then implement ways of simulating vehicular networks with ns-3. A simulation study investigating the performance and scalability of such a ns-3-based vehicular network simulation concludes the thesis.
Possible milestones are as follows:
- Getting familiar with the existing simulation environment like Veins and ns-3
- Performing a literature review on vehicular network simulators
- Deciding on vehicle mobility models to be used
- Implementing a vehicular network simulation with ns-3
- Evaluating the simulation in terms of performance and scalability
- In case of a Master’s Thesis: Compare the results to existing vehicular network simulators
Vehicular Network Simulation, C++, ns-3
[1] J. Benin, M. Nowatkowski and H. Owen, “Vehicular Network simulation propagation loss model parameter standardization in ns-3 and beyond,” 2012 Proceedings of IEEE Southeastcon, 2012, pp. 1-5,
[2] H. Arbabi and M. C. Weigle, “Highway mobility and vehicular ad-hoc networks in ns-3,” Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, 2010, pp. 2991-3003,